
Showing posts from December, 2018


This task we were paired up and had to make keyframes for our partner to in-between. This animation was when I did the in-betweens for my partners keyframes. I think I may have filmed with two of the frames in the wrong order as there is a point where the animation jumps a little bit.

Character animation

Our final task was to create a character animation. I had recently seen the movie Coco which contains many skeleton characters which gave me the idea for this animation where a skeleton spins his skull like a basketball. I used adobe flash for this animation as I found it was too complicated to animate on paper as there are several different moving parts wheres when animating digitally I am able to use layers and animate elements individually such as the arms and head.

Walk Cycle

This was another walk cycle that I did which I feel was more successful than the first one. This I did digitally which allowed me to see how the animation looked whilst I was animating rather than having to photo all of the frames. In the future I would like to add some arm movement to the animation to make it look more realistic.

Walk Cycle (first attempt)

We were then tasked to animate a walk cycle. This was my first attempt at it and I could see many problems with it such as the legs bending too low and it overall being too stiff.

Bouncing ball (revisited)

Following the formative assessment the feedback I got was that my first bouncing ball tended to grow in size/volume at every bounce. I used this feedback and redid the animation trying to make the ball stay at a more constant size.

Maya Bouncing Ball

We were tasked to create a bouncing ball animation in the 3d animation program called Maya. Maya was initially very confusing and complicated however after a while I managed to get the hang of it and made this bouncing ball animation.

Animation with Smear Frames

Our next assignment was to create an animation with smear frames. I was quite unsure on what to do for this assignment but I decided to do another bouncing ball animation and used smear frames to make it look faster.

Bouncing Ball

Our first proper animation assignment was to animate a bouncing ball on paper. This assignment was fun however I found animating on paper quite tedious and awkward compared to animating digitally.


In our first lesson we were give the task to create an animation for a zoetrope which is a device that contains a strip of images and when spun creates the illusion of movement. I chose to do mine on a simple day and night cycle. I was fairly happy with the outcome of it however it was quite hard to make due to being unable to compare the current drawing to the previous drawing, which made it hard to keep the sun and moon the same size.