We were tasked to create a bouncing ball animation in the 3d animation program called Maya. Maya was initially very confusing and complicated however after a while I managed to get the hang of it and made this bouncing ball animation.
Our next assignment was to create an animation with smear frames. I was quite unsure on what to do for this assignment but I decided to do another bouncing ball animation and used smear frames to make it look faster.
Following the formative assessment the feedback I got was that my first bouncing ball tended to grow in size/volume at every bounce. I used this feedback and redid the animation trying to make the ball stay at a more constant size.
This was another walk cycle that I did which I feel was more successful than the first one. This I did digitally which allowed me to see how the animation looked whilst I was animating rather than having to photo all of the frames. In the future I would like to add some arm movement to the animation to make it look more realistic.
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